Avocado tea, herbal tea, 120 gr

Benefits of Avocado tea, herbal tea, 120 gr: 

  • Protect the body from degenerative diseases
  • Diuretics
  • Prevent bacterial growth
  • Fracture of kidney stones
  • Stability of blood pressure
  • Reduce asthma attacks
  • Cancer prevention
  • Maintain healthy skin
  • Reduce back pain
  • Reduce swelling
  • 100% natural product and does not contain any harmful additives.
  • This product has Turkish Content Safety certificate.

The avocado tea is extracted from its leaves, and its benefits are complemented by the benefits of cherry chopsticks, corn hair, chrysanthemum, syrup and juniper in this unique formula offered by the Turkish Attar.

The most important benefits of avocado tea:
Avocado leaves have many health benefits as they contain many important elements such as flannol, quercetin, glycoside, polyphenols, astragol, alpha, beta benigni, lemons, serotonin and flavonodate. Due to these elements they have the following benefits:

1. Protect the body from degenerative diseases:
The availability of flavonol in avocado leaves contributes to protecting the body from degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis as well as preventing early aging.

2. Diuretic:
Avocado leaves contain tin which contributes as a diuretic, it helps you to urinate well to remove waste in the body resulting from the metabolism.

3. Prevent the growth of bacteria:
Avocado leaves contain polyphenols, benin, and many substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria, you can get their benefits to prevent infection through their action.

4. Fragmentation kidney stones:
Avocado leaves have an alkaline nature and contain fatty substances that can break kidney stones and contribute to kidney function improvement.

5. Stability of blood pressure:
Lemonade material available in avocado leaves can act as a natural remedy for stabilizing blood pressure and preventing blood pressure cases.

6. Reduce asthma attacks:
Avocado leaves contain benin that act to reduce asthma through its aloe, this substance has an effect on the trachea, reducing inflammation and increasing airflow to the lung.

7 - Helps prevent cancer:
Avocado leaves contribute to the prevention of cancer because they contain interstitial and lemon substances, and these substances can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as chemical protection agents.

8. Maintain skin health:
Avocado leaves contain antioxidants that can help clean the skin and pores, this is one of the great health benefits of healthy skin.

9. Reduce back pain:
Intermediates are available in avocado leaves and this reduces pain in every part of the body, especially back pain.

10 - Reduce swelling:
The effect of tin in avocado leaves is the most important to reduce the swelling of the body by reducing the inflammatory material.

Avocado 16.67%, Cherry Chopsticks, Corn Hair, Chrysanthemum Flower, Milky Way, Juniper

Keep in a cool place away from the sun

How to use:
Add 1 cup of tea to a cup of water, wait 5-10 minutes, and then drink
Promoting Wellness
Natural & Organic
Promoting Wellness
Natural & Organic
Promoting Wellness
Natural & Organic

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